Wednesday 12 December 2012

Sequential Illustration Pigmin

This is my character Pigmin that i created for my Sequntial Illustration project my first weeks back into my second year, though i failed i felt like he had to be included with my blog, enjoy.

summer project diary

Three of the four images I produced as part of my summer project regarding a diary I had to keep recording my everyday life from morning to noon and then produce four images based on something new I did, that something new was going to New York for the first time. I do not know where the fourth image is but I'm guessing with my luck ill find it tomorrow, anyway here are my final images for the project. 

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Self Robot

finale piece for a summer project for my course, called self robot, we had to imagine ourselves as a robot and then create it and send it of .Quite proud of my creation, the robot itself is coloured in using layers of water colour spent ages and ages on it, about three weeks on the watercolour  to be fair wish I had taken more time on the background, should have used Photoshop, I know that know but oh well you learn everyday.

Narrative Illustration

felt tip speed drawing

Again another speed drawing this time using felt tip, would have used pencil but couldn't find any so used felt tip thought it would have been bad but turned out surprisingly well.

single line speed drawing

One of my best drawings so far did this in a minute or was it 15 seconds don't know to be honest but it was fast.

coal drawing

This is a coal drawing i did based on an image I found online, wish I could find the image so you could have a before and after look but I cant seem to find it.

hand sketches

Not much to say on this except again another sketch I did of my hands to better understand their shape and structure and also some doodles, I just think better with doodles, don't know why I just do.

skeletal study

 Another sketch I did to try and understand the body and the overfall shape of the body to improve my drawing.

A couple of sketches

these are some sketches I did a while back beginning of the year trying to figure out how to mix solids with curved objects cant quite remember what it was called all I'm going to call this is "peanut" due to the image above the text.